Friday, July 17, 2009

The Google Takeover?

First came Chrome, Google's web browser built from the bottom-up based on some well-thought out and fresh ideas (which I happen to be using now as I type this!).

But that just wasn't enough. Now, they want the whole operating system:

Good luck. We at Solertium are excited.

Carl Scott
Software Developer, Solertium Corporation
View Carl Scott's profile on LinkedIn View Carl Scott's ohloh profile

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Does Open Source Software Suck?

Hi All,

Just came across an interesting blog that I thought I'd share. It discusses the pitfalls of Open-Source Software.

My thoughts? Well, first, I think the article makes a number of valid points. However, many of them do not only apply to open-source. There's a lot of "sucky" software out there! But the fact that any Tom, Dick, or Harry with a machine can create open-source software means you have to be wary about where you get software from.

The article was directed at the higher-level OSS, so to focus on that, again, I agree with a lot of what was said. The main mistake this article makes, in my eyes, is limiting the remarks to the world of open-source. That said, as a happy Windows user, the value of well-polished financially-backed software is undeniable.

However, the draw to open-source is the gain received from using the latest trends and tools available. Much "industrial" software fails to stay current and shys away from new ideas, clutching ever-so-tightly to that which worked. By and large, open-source projects tend to feel much fresher, breeding ideas that 5-10 years later could likely wind up in a big-ticket, closed-source product.

Again, I won't deny the facts presented in the article. But there's always two sides to a coin. :)

Carl Scott
Open-Source Software Developer, Solertium Corporation
View Carl Scott's profile on LinkedIn View Carl Scott's ohloh profile