Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Google Charts Via Charts4J 1.2!

Progress is a great thing...

After announcing my work on Google Charts for GWT, I was able to work with the Charts4J team, who'd also implemented a Google Charts Java API that worked server-side, and made a branch that was compatible with GWT.

charts4j 1.1 was released as an initial port of existing behavior of the original charts4j. Today, 1.2 was released containing loads of fun features as well as integration of some features I was using in Google Charts for GWT:

If you're looking for a means of providing lightweight charts in your GWT application, give it a whirl. If you need lightweight charts in a non-GWT client application, you should try it out as well!

Here's hoping you find this as useful as I have!

Carl Scott
Software Developer, Solertium Corporation
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